Monday, June 20, 2011

I looked over the other day and saw this...

How can you not love this kid? I love the monster face! My lil cutie.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

For Danny's big day we pulled out his authentic Chinese cookbook and gave it another shot. After a TON of work, and even more dishes we finally got around to eating.

We had orange beef (it was called like old peel beef or something in the book because the orange peels were dried), squash pancakes... (these were more like fried, battered squash pieces we'll have to work on the "pancake" part more), and rice.

It was a lot of fun, Will even insisted on trying his hand at chopsticks :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Will's a climber

 I looked over the other day and saw this...

Apparently, Will is taking his new climbing skills to new heights.

Friday, June 17, 2011


A couple of months ago I noticed a little bit of mold near our air conditioner. I called our warranty people and they sent someone out. He pretty much treated me like I was crazy and told me for all he could tell a glass of water had gotten spilled there. (In the utility closet?) He puttied over the mold and called it good. I just checked again yesterday... 1/4in of standing water. Definitely not a spilled cup and definitely a problem! So now instead of doing the hundreds of things I was going to today I'm waiting for the HVAC man. At least that means blog posts for you all?

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Baby storytime

We're still doing baby storytime every Thursday. Sometimes we have a ton of kids and sometimes there are only two. This week in order to distract Will from the bubble-wand I put a sock puppet on his hand. I couldn't believe that he kept it on and played with it for awhile. It was really cute!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Getting Big!

Playing peek-a-boo after he snuck out the back door.

I think somebody sprinkled Miracle Grow on Will. In the last week he has learned how to climb, open the back door by himself, and buckle his  high chair. He also has started really trying to communicate with us, he'll bring us his empty cup or pull us to the pantry, or just yesterday he got behind me and started pushing one leg at a time till I walked were he wanted me. I'm not sure what happened but he definitely hit an intellectual growth spurt!

Monday, June 13, 2011

All Wet

 On Saturday we went for a short run and afterwards we sat on the front yard to stretch and such. As we were sitting Will came up to me, grabbed my fingers, and pulled. This is the first time he's tried to get me to go somewhere. So I got up and quickly discovered that he was asking me to turn on the hose. It was pretty cute and it's been so so hot here, so we played in the sprinklers for a bit.
 And this is how we ended up with soaking wet baby :)

Will climbs!

It's sideways but here's the video. Maybe next time I'll remember that turning a video is not the same as turning a picture.

Family Home Evening Treat: Frozen Bananas

Okay let me start by saying these were a lot prettier in my head... oh well they will still taste amazing!
I was introduced to frozen bananas a million years ago at Disneyland. I think they were mostly our favorite treat in the park because they were the biggest treat in the park and well when your a hungry kid size is everything. 
There you have it... oh wait I just realized we're going to play Bananagrams for our activity tonight. Ha! It's perfect and I didn't even plan it Amazing!

Growing Up!

Will discovered Saturday how to climb up on chairs. That means nothing on the table or desk is safe anymore! We have a cute video of him climbing up here but after several hours of trying to turn it and a couple more trying to download it... things aren't looking very good. It's uploading to youtube right now so if that works then I'll share. I might add that I've baked a loaf of bread, done laundry, wrote this post, and feed Will lunch and it's at 54% :(

Also on the development note Will has become quite the cleaner. He puts his toys back in the bin, books back on the shelf, keys in any random nook he can find, and pennies, library cards, alcohol wipes, and metal pieces in the air intake vent!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Stair Sliding

On Saturday night I introduced Will to one of my childhood favorite activities... sliding down the stairs in a pillowcase. I even still have the exact same pillowcase from those days for his use.

On your mark, get set...
 That was fun
Lets do it again.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Waiting for Dadda

Since Danny takes the train to work he get home at almost the exact same time everyday. Normally Will is starving to death and grumpy so we head outside to wait for him. Here's how we pass the time.

Getting a drink
Watching Sadie
Discovering treasure
Oop here he comes...
Run Away!
And the payload!
We love our Daddy!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

If you came to my front door today...

You'd see this...

Our onion harvest is curing outside our front door because we need a place that was hot but not in direct sunlight. My neighbor thought we were trying to ward off vampires. I can say it worked we officially had no problems with vampires while we had onions on our doorstep.
We had a pretty good harvest, though it would have been better if Will and Sadie had not prematurely trampled them. Next project? a garden fence.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Breakfast Procession!

How can you not love this kid?

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I'm in love with the FedEx man!

After waiting all day with the online tracking saying "On the truck to be delivered" my camera finally came at 7:00pm. Super exciting! Upon taking it out and charging the batteries my only thought after turning it on was... "This camera is WAY too smart for me!"