Thursday, March 27, 2014

Toast Pizza

Will made me some "toast pizza" tonight. He took some orange soda, water, leftover bread from dinner, and I have no clue what else. He told me he was making toast like me, toast pizza. Mixed it in a cup, then asked me to help. I told him I didn't know how to make that kind of toast pizza so he told me to stir.
Then, we poured it into ramekins and "cooked" it.
Then, when it was just right we ate it...
Up until this point I thought we were pretending, but Will actually ate it! And declared it delicious! There I was with my own portion. I tried to taste it, but that's as far as I could go. Oh man bad mom moment as I'm stalling so I don't have to eat this stuff!

Finally, I stalled long enough and Will decided he didn't like it after all and ask me to put it in the sink. Phew! :) 

Sunday, March 23, 2014


After sacrament meeting today, Danny took Will to Sunbeams while I would take Ben to Nursery. Ben loves nursery so was hurrying us down the hall to class, I let go of his hand right before the door so he could run it. He suddenly changed his mind and bolted around the corner. The hall was crowded with people, so I tried to hurry after him but he was able to keep gaining distance on me as he weaves through everyone's legs. Just as I was reaching the clearing someone said, "He's in there" I looked at them and they said, "your chasing after your little boy right?" I opened the gym door just in time to see the door on the other side swing closed. I hurry after him to find the hallway on the other side deserted. Fortunately, Brandi and Matt, Danny's cousins were standing there and saw him duck into another gym door. I opened the door to see Sunday school filling up and the door on the other side closing. *insert sigh! really? Moment* I don't want to interrupt the starting of class so I go around, the still crowded hall,only to find no sight of Ben. I continued to walk down the hall and finally found him hiding out in a class of primary kids. When I saw him he started laughing...hysterically... For like 5 minutes... :)

Everything is Awesome!

Danny and I had big date plans for Saturday night! It had been awhile since we have had a babysitter, so we were looking forward to the chance to slip away all week. It seems everything we did on Saturday was dependent on whether or not we could get home on time. So you can understand our disappointment when time for our babysitter to arrive came and went, and all of her contact numbers went straight to voicemail. It felt like we'd been stood up.

So, in an effort to save our date night we invited the boys to come along. We went and saw an early showing of the Lego movie. Will has been SO excited to see this show. When I was getting tickets he went straight up to the window and told the guy that we we going to the Lego movie. He was so insistent on it, that it made several people behind us in line giggle.

The movie ended up starting 30 minutes late, but it didn't hamper his enthusiasm a bit! The movie was decent, Will and Danny love it, and Ben declared himself "done" about 45 min. till the end. On the way to dinner afterwards Will insisted that we sing the "best song" the whole way there. The best song being "everything is awesome". That has got to be the worst song ever written and now my son absolutely love it! 

We went a few places for dinner, but with it being prime dinning time everywhere was a bit to packed for us. We picked up a few things at the grocery store and headed home. I had gotten the boys hot dog and crescent rolls as a special treat while the babysitter was here so we decided to whip those up for dinner. Will kind of freaked and insisted we needed to go on a date, because the hot dog were only for when mom and dad were on a date. It was pretty sweet but, we eventually convinced him he could eat them even though we were home.

Not exactly date night, but we had a fun family night for less than we would have paid the babysitter. :)