Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things I learned from driving a Uhaul!

I know the sticker on the side of the Uhaul trailer said it could only go 55 mph but really that was more like a guideline right?....

jk this is not a picture of our Uhaul. We were fortunate enough to be blessed with a fairly uneventful though very long drive from Provo, UT to Austin, TX.

At first I wanted nothing to do with driving a Uhaul. I looked at companies where you packed the truck and they drove, those little moving pods, and the entire gammet of none self-drive moving options. However, due to our time contraints and our insistance on fruggleness the Uhaul appeared in our Wymount parking space. I was actually surprised at what a good experience it turned out to be and how much I learned over the course of our 24 hour drive. Here's my list of things I learned while driving a Uhaul:
  1. It is a REALLY good thing Danny has had experience backing up boats because when he was backing up the uhaul/ car trailer all I could do was stand behind him and yell before he hit anything. Growing up we had a camping trailer and always went on long camping trips. I remember many times pulling into a campground late at night and my mom directing my dad how to back up ya know "a little bit right, now 6 in left, straigh back, ect." that was not what happened. Danny was completely on his own until "stop, stop, your going to hit that car!" nice huh?
  2. When my kids start learning how to drive I am going to go out and buy a manual car and an old beat-up suburban. These were my options when I was learning how to drive (well the suburban was actually pretty new, but I'm not quite sure why my parents trusted us to drive it so old beat up it is). I've learned that by knowing how to drive these two cars I can drive almost anything. Case and point Danny's corolla, a ford truck, and a Uhaul truck. I was really surprised by how much the Uhaul felt like my days behind the wheel of the suburban.
  3. Canyons + Construction + Uhaul = very poor gas mileage!!!! We went through about 3/4 of a tank just driving from Provo to Price fortunately for us our gas mileage improved immensely after that.
  4. Don't drive through puddles! ok this one didn't happen to us but this is in memory of the poor truck in Montecello, Utah that drove through a puddle trying to get out of a gas station and found out that it was actually a very large hole. When we drove past his back wheels were stuck in the whole and his truck bed was sitting on the asphault in the pouring rain.
  5. I'm really glad we did not move to west Texas! I think if you've ever driven thorugh west Texas you do not need anymore information.
That's about it now were safe and sound in Austin!

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