Monday, May 24, 2010

What We've Been Up To

For those of you who receive these by email ignore the first email. I messed up my back this weekend so I moved the computer to the couch so that I could catch up on Will's baby book and blogging. He's sitting next to me and thinks it is kind of fun to kick the keyboard. Thus, the post before it was really a post.
Will had his first play date a couple of weeks ago with a little girl in our ward. Believe it or not the little girl is actually a week older than Will.
This is how Will likes to sleep when we don't swaddle him. completely spread out!
Will loves his bath time, but I think he's getting too big for the sink. We moved him to the tub and he absolutely loves kicking in the water and having his ears under the water so that he can hear the water. I'm worried that might give him an ear infection, anyone know?
Will's first fort! This blanket looks really cool when you look at the light through it. It looks like the animals are lit up. Will loves laying underneath it. Danny and Will did fall asleep under it though.

Will likes to help me make the bed, but most of the time he likes to be made in the bed.


  1. cute! i love the one where he is in your bed and the one with his playdate

  2. He is DANG cute! How much does he weigh? I am dying about the picture of him next to that little girl! :) Also, being under the water won't cause ear infections--at least when Perry had his ear infection and I asked if I could still give him a bath the doc said its fine for his ears to get wet.

  3. For as big as he is, that bed makes him look little! What a cute guy.
