Friday, April 23, 2010

So Big!

Will is going up so fast he seems to think it's a race. Everyone at church was agreeing with his nurse that he looks more like a 4 month old. Everyone keeps saying it that once when someone asked how old he was I actually said 4 months before I caught myself. (Then again I also told someone he was 10 months... maybe I just need more sleep)

Here he is in his bumba chair. He does really well for about 10 minutes before his neck gets too tired, but hey I can finish half my dinner in 10 minutes! ... and sometimes it's even still warm :)


  1. oh my goodness! i have the cutest nephew in the world! wow! i am so excited to see you guys soon! wahoooooo!

  2. I think he holds that head up remarkably well for being 2.5 months old - he's got some strong muscles. And yay for warm dinner!!!
