Tuesday, November 2, 2010

For Aunt Debbi

This is for Aunt Debbi because she forces her roommates to watch our movies and always leaves a comment. We love you Debs!

This is Will with Scott & Kates' bunny
It's super cute so if you get these by email it's worth going here to check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R04iBrLAS8


  1. Ok I realize this is on here twice. I thought the first one was broken but now its working :(

  2. CUTE! i feel so honored to have a post addressed to me :) he is just so adorable! My roommate could hear him laughing and said that he must be a cutie with that laugh. oh and i watched how to train your dragon. such a cute movie and y'all's costumes were perfect!
