Thursday, April 8, 2010

Setting a good example!

I know now that I'm a mom I am supposed to be setting a good example for little Will, but I am just having such a hard time with it... in fact I'm starting to turn into a hardened criminal.

I got pulled over for the first time in my ENTIRE LIFE! I was investigating the neighborhood where our new house will be built and had to drive from one neighborhood to the other. We are talking 1/8 of a mile basically one street to the next. Well I pulled out on the road and stopped at a red light (mind you I wasn't the first car at the light) right as the light was turning green I glanced in my mirror and noticed a cop with his lights on behind me. My thought was crap how long has he been there? I drove through the light and pulled over so that the cop could pass me. Guess what? He stopped behind me! Me! who looks 5 times before crossing the street and never likes to go more than 2 miles over the speed limit.
He walked up to my window and I'm thinking what did I do, how did I pull onto the road wrong because that's all I had done.
Cop: Your being pulled over because you were clocked going 53 mph in a 40 mph area.
Me: (Crap! How did that happen?) I was just looking at a house and was driving from the model to the neighborhood.
Cop: Is there some emergency I should be aware of?
Me: No, I was just driving from that neighborhood to this neighborhood.
Cop: License and Insurance please
Me: (Oh man I hope my wallet didn't fall out of the diaper bag... hand license to cop)
Cop: Insurance?
Me: Oh (crap I hope it's in the glove box and not the file cabinet on accident... hand him insurance)
Cop: What did you say you were doing?
Me: Me and my husband are looking for a house and I was just driving from the model to this neighborhood to check out the area.
Cop: Do you really live at FM 620 in Austin?
Me: Yes, Sir
Cop: How often to you come to Leander?
Me: This is my first time Sir.
Cop: Normally, people receive tickets for going 13 over, but I am going to give you a warning.
Me: Thank you
Cop: The signs don't lie down that way the road is 45 mph here it is 40 mph and down that way a little bit it goes to 45 mph all the way through Leander.
Me: Yes, Sir
Cop: Stay in the car I'll be back.
(Text from Danny: How is your day going?)
Sheesh!!! Danny came back with me that weekend and his comment was this is the light you got stopped at? That isn't even an 1/8 of a mile. So all I can figure as to how I got going 53 in such a short period of time is a) I was in the truck and was thus less aware of how fast I was going and b) the cop must have clock me as I was accelerating onto the road.

So after all of that I have also managed to shoplift from Walmart twice! The last two times I have been to Walmart I've been putting things into the car when I realized that I don't remember scanning those eggs/ gas drops I wonder if I did. (check receipt) nope. So then I've had to pull Will back out of the car and walk back in to pay my $1.50 for eggs. To make things worse we have an extra exuberant Walmart greeter that I have to explain why I don't need a return sticker. The conversation goes like this
Me: no I don't need a sticker I just need to go pay for these. I forgot to pay for them.
Greeter: Forgot to pay for them?
Me: Yeah, I forgot to pay for them
Greeter: (escorts me to the register) Will you help her she forgot to pay for these?

*Sigh* Hopefully, I'll get my act together before Will is old enough to remember his mom's run ins with the law.
And I'll leave you with a pic of the kiddo right now asleep in the chair.


  1. Wow! I'm wondering if I should even post a comment in case the police need to ask our relationship. Mug shots aren't very flattering, so I'm glad you were spared, for now.

  2. Hahaha! I'm glad I'm not the only one who forgets to pay for things occassionally - look at it this way, you're setting a great example of honesty for little Will.

  3. Yeah but it's hard to feel proud of myself for doing the right thing when I'm just upset because it feels like the shopping trip will never end!
