Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fishin' for Frisbees?

Our plan on Saturday was to go play disk golf, but Will decided to take a nap right when we wanted to go! So we only had time for a hole or two before we had to get ready for Stake Conference. This is where Danny's disk landed on the second hole. Might I add that this is really a creek and this is by far the widest, deepest part. It was our best disk so Danny found a stick and went fishing. He even, almost, stayed clean :)


  1. I'm not sure if anyone can tell from the picture but the ground where I am standing is really soggy so as I am fishing the frisbee out I am sinking into that oh so wonderful smelling mud.

  2. haha I can just see you not wanting to lose that frisbee. glad you were able to get it though
